
Our Blog

Month: January 2022

How Winter Activities Benefit Your Mental and Physical Health

Depending on where you live (and how much snow you get), winter can be a tough season to get through.  No matter your location, being cooped up inside for a long time is no picnic. The short days, long nights, and freezing temps can start to weigh on you — especially when you’re watching them […]

Why Taking a Sick Day is Better for Your Health

While everyone gets sick, not everyone has the opportunity to rest and recover. Between illnesses like the flu or the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of Americans are making the tough choice of either working through their symptoms or giving themselves a day off.  Taking a sick day used to mean taking a break from your commute […]

How an Online General Medicine Doctor Can Enhance Your Life

Everyone wants to live a long, healthy life. Having access to quality medical care plays a critical role in being able to do so.  While some people only go to the doctor when they’re sick or having an emergency, utilizing an online primary care doctor for preventative care offers many health benefits.  A primary care […]

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