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Category: Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Suffering from Common Skin Allergies? Get Instant At-Home Relief

Your skin is exposed to a lot. As the largest organ of the body, it absorbs whatever you apply — lotion, makeup, creams — and acts as a front line of defense against the elements.  You might’ve had the concerning experience of discovering an allergic skin reaction or body rash. Finding irritated, red, and blotchy […]

How to Deep Clean Your Home for Spring Allergy Relief

There’s a sinister side to the beauty of spring. While the trees are budding and flowers are in bloom, your immune system is going crazy. Your body tries to clear the allergens from your system, causing itchy eyes and incessant sneezing, seriously spoiling the arrival of milder weather.  For many people, seasonal allergies or “hay […]

Why Taking a Sick Day is Better for Your Health

While everyone gets sick, not everyone has the opportunity to rest and recover. Between illnesses like the flu or the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of Americans are making the tough choice of either working through their symptoms or giving themselves a day off.  Taking a sick day used to mean taking a break from your commute […]

4 Health Risks for Freelancers and How You Can Prevent Them

While working from home became the norm for many workers during the pandemic, many freelancers have already been working remotely for years. It’s predicted that by the year 2027, roughly 50% of US workers will be freelancers.  The pandemic forced many employees who used to work in the office to get a taste of the freelance […]

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