You’ve probably seen your skin change over the years. A couple new spots or bumps just seem to come with the territory of aging.

Going the dermatologist may seems trivial if you don’t have any immediate skin issues. And maybe you don’t want to risk being exposed to any viruses lurking in the waiting room.

But taking care of your skin now can help you prevent more serious issues down the line. And using an online dermatologist can help you avoid exposure at the doctor’s office.

When you use myCallADoc, you get quality virtual telemedicine services complete with an online doctor visit. We can help you make sure that small skin problems don’t grow into more serious (and expensive) issues later.

You can schedule a consultation with our web dermatologists to examine and treat moles, rashes, painful varicose veins, and many other harmful skin conditions.

Discover 7 reasons why you shouldn’t wait to book an exam with an online dermatologist this year

1. Get a Full Body Skin Exam 

With myCallADoc, you can book an online skin consultation to do a full-body skin examination using your iPhone, tablet, or laptop.

A consultation with a web dermatologist can check up on your skin’s overall health. Routine checkups can help prevent any dangerous moles, lesions, or rashes from being ignored and turning into a more serious health issue down the line.

Skin consultations are not only important for concerns, but can also help you maintain healthy, radiant skin.

From topical treatments to keep your skin clean and moist to tips about sun exposure and more, your dermatologist can help you make the right choices for the future of your skin health. 

2. Take Care of Inflammation 

If your skin is inflamed, you might notice red marks or painful sensations. Not only that, but red and inflamed skin may make you feel embarrassed to leave the house.

Skin inflammation can be chronic, and could indicate other underlying health issues. This could be caused by poor diet, genetics, or a virus or infection.

When these issues arise, seeing a board-certified doctor online ensures that you’re receiving the diagnosis and treatment you need to combat the cause of skin inflammation.

The best part? Our doctors are available 24/7, 365 days a year. So whenever inflammation strikes, they’re there to answer your call.

3. Address Painful Itching and Flaking Skin

If you routinely suffer from itchy and flaky skin, over-the-counter products might not be enough to get rid of the problem.

When you consult an online dermatologist, you can determine if a subscribed topical ointment can help get rid of the itching and flaking for good. If necessary, your virtual doctor can also prescribe other medication to address any potential underlying health conditions.

Your dermatologist can also write you a referral for primary care doctor should you need ongoing treatment or examinations.

4. Get a Cancer Screening 

The “big C” is one of the most important reason to see your dermatologist this year.

Every year, too many suspicious moles are left to metastasize into something life-threatening, like melanoma.

Early detection is the key to stopping cancer. Your online dermatologist is trained to spot these signs quickly, and get you the treatment you need — including referrals, medication, and more.

Knowing whether a mole is dangerous and when it’s time to see your dermatologist isn’t always clear. By making sure you book a dermatology appointment at least once a year, you can stay ahead of any potentially dangerous skin issues.

5. Get Rid of Varicose Veins 

Varicose veins or spider veins can be a normal part of the aging process. But they can also be a painful, and a blow to your confidence.

Seeing an online dermatologist to evaluate veins can help you to determine if you’d like to improve their appearance and/or get set up for surgical removal.

6. Take Care of Non-Healing Lesions

If you have a skin lesion that’s over a month old, it might be time to get it addressed by a dermatologist on the web.

A lesion that won’t heal can lead to bigger problems, such as an infection or scarring.

Our board-certified dermatologists at myCallADoc can evaluate your skin issue by using your iPhone, laptop, or tablet, and get you the help you need.

7. Manage and Prevent Sun Damage 

Last but certainly not least, dermatologists are well-versed in the dangers of ultraviolet rays. A visit with your dermatologist can help you manage and prevent sun damage.

You’re exposed to the sun nearly every day, which can become a serious issue for your skin as you age.

If you already have sun damage, your online dermatologist can offer treatment options to reduce the appearance. You can also ask about the best sunscreens and methods to prevent further damage.

Just One Online Dermatology Visit Can Maintain the Health of Your Skin

Your skin is the body’s largest organ, and it can cause a large amount of grief if it isn’t functioning properly.

Many people suffering skin conditions immerse themselves in online searches but try to self-diagnose or end up improperly treating their condition with home remedies.

Don’t let that be you. Dermatologists at myCallADoc handle many conditions, including but not limited to: 

  • Rashes
  • Bug Bites
  • Moles
  • Dark Circles
  • Burns
  • Warts
  • Acne
  • Varicose and Spider Veins
  • Deep Wrinkles
  • Cuts, Abrasions, Scrapes
  • Allergies and Hives
  • Sun Damage
  • And more

Get Convenience and Affordability with Dermatology Telemedicine Services

Even if you’re willing to brave the waiting room to see a dermatologist near you this year, why take the risk? There are more convenient and affordable options available.

Online dermatologist services from myCallADoc offer many advantages, including: 

Holistic Care

  • Our dermatologists’ holistic care covers your mind, body, and spirit.
  • The board-certified doctors you see during your online doctor visit don’t just care for your skin — they treat any underlying issues that could be affecting your skin health, too.


  • When you use a telemedicine service like myCallADoc, you get treatment whenever and wherever you need it.
  • Our online dermatologists are available 24/7, 356 days a year.
  • Get care from the comfort of your home, office, or even while traveling.
  • This means no missing work, arranging childcare, or packing up your kids to come along to your visit.


  • Whether it’s the common cold or COVID-19, there’s always some risk of exposure when waiting in a doctor’s office.
  • Web dermatologists remove the risk and allow you to get the care you need from the comfort of your home or office.


  • How much are you willing to spend on healthcare? If you’re like most people, under $30 a month is more than reasonable for 24/7 care from home. That’s all it takes with myCallADoc.
  • When it comes to your skin health, this ongoing monthly affordability is huge. If you need to have a mole monitored by a doctor over a several-month period, you can see your online dermatologist as much as necessary, at no extra cost.
  • We offer discounts on many different prescriptions, adding even more savings for you and your family.
    – And as a member of myCallADoc, we can diagnose and treat your whole family for no extra cost. 

While the online dermatologist can cover many other skin conditions, another important advantage to myCallADoc is that there’s no insurance to deal with!

No co-pays. No authorizations. No deductibles. Just simple medicine given to you at an affordable rate.  

Become a myCallADoc member today, and enjoy the benefits of quality medicine delivered in a convenient and affordable way.

Your skin is vitally important to your health, and you shouldn’t have to neglect it due to barriers getting into a physical doctor’s office. You can get the ball rolling on your skin’s healthcare without ever stepping outside the comfort of your own home. 

Learn more about why telemedicine is the best way to manage your health >

This article is not intended as medical advice. Always check with your doctor before embarking on a new health and wellness plan.

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