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4 Health Risks for Freelancers and How You Can Prevent Them

While working from home became the norm for many workers during the pandemic, many freelancers have already been working remotely for years. It’s predicted that by the year 2027, roughly 50% of US workers will be freelancers.  The pandemic forced many employees who used to work in the office to get a taste of the freelance […]

The Top 5 Ways Music Helps You Work Out

Trying to get back into your pre-pandemic workout routine? You’re not alone. A recent study found that 61% of adults gained unexpected weight in the last year due to stress, gym closures, and changing routines. And the longer you’re away from exercise, the harder it can feel to get back into your routine. So what’s […]

Why Telemedicine Is Here To Stay After The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way Americans accessed healthcare forever. Throughout 2020, many hospitals around the world reached capacity with a huge influx of COVID-19 patients. And as the virus continued to spread, patients didn’t want to put themselves or their families at risk by going into the doctor’s office for routine care. Telehealth services […]

Signs Your Child Has an Ear Infection (And How to Treat It)

Did you know that 5 out of every 6 children are likely to have an ear infection by the time they’re 3 years old? An ear infection is a form of inflammation in the middle ear caused by bacteria build-up behind the eardrum. Ear infections can happen when your child develops a cold, throat infection, […]

The Best Ways to Treat and Prevent Ticks on Your Dog This Summer

At myCallADoc, we care about keeping your whole family healthy — including your pets. The summer season often means a rise in ticks, which can latch onto your canine companion and cause health issues. Ticks are blood-sucking bugs with flat, oval bodies that swell when they eat. These parasites like to feed on you and […]

How to Protect Your Skin This Summer (And Always)

Summer is a great time to slow down and make memories with the ones you love most. The long days and warm weather offer the perfect opportunity to spend more family time outdoors relaxing and soaking up the sun. Whether you plan on vacationing at the beach, swimming in the pool, or making more time […]

Build More Activity Into Your Workday With These Easy At-Home Tips

Whether you work from home or you’re back at the office, many Americans spend most of their day sitting. And all that sitting can mean you’re not getting as much movement into your day as you’d like. According to the CDC, only 1 in 4 American adults gets enough exercise throughout the day. And many […]

6 Ways to Protect Your Eyes as a Freelancer

For most of us, screens are part of our everyday lives — from sun-up to sundown. And as a freelancer, screens are part of your work and play. You lie in bed scrolling through Instagram after your alarm goes off, using the glow of the screen to prevent you from falling back asleep. In the morning, […]

Don’t Wait! 7 Reasons You Should See an Online Dermatologist this Year

You’ve probably seen your skin change over the years. A couple new spots or bumps just seem to come with the territory of aging. Going the dermatologist may seems trivial if you don’t have any immediate skin issues. And maybe you don’t want to risk being exposed to any viruses lurking in the waiting room. […]

Is it a Cold or Allergies? This Checklist Will Help

Spring is here, which means the weather is warming up, and the sun is sticking around longer each day. Sunny days and April showers bring blooming flowers — which are easy on the eyes, but tough on the respiratory system. And since the common cold continues to lurk year-round, even during allergy season, it makes […]

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